Moving Gutter System in Poland

Moving Gutter System produces high-quality crops for Ostrowit in Poland

At Viemose DGS, we are proud to have developed a cutting-edge Moving Gutter System for Ostrowit, one of Poland’s leading agricultural companies. This innovative solution is designed to optimize greenhouse space and enhance overall production efficiency. By automating the movement of plant gutters within the greenhouse, our system allows for greater flexibility in crop management, enabling growers to maximize the available growing area and improve both the quantity and quality of their crops.

The Moving Gutter System works by continuously adjusting the spacing between the plants as they grow. This ensures optimal light exposure, airflow, and climate control, all of which are critical to fostering healthy and robust plant development. Additionally, the system enhances accessibility for workers, making tasks like planting, maintenance, and harvesting more streamlined and efficient.

One of the key advantages of our technology is the reduction in labor costs. By automating several manual processes, growers can significantly cut down on the time and effort needed to manage the crops. At the same time, the system’s precision ensures uniformity and consistency in the growing conditions, leading to higher yields and better-quality produce.

Our partnership with Ostrowit underscores our commitment to delivering innovative, tailored solutions to forward-thinking growers. By integrating our moving gutter system into their operations, Ostrowit is setting a new standard in modern horticulture, and we are excited to play a pivotal role in their journey toward sustainable and highly efficient agriculture.


A continuación se muestran imágenes del proyecto.

Nuestros servicios



Hemos desarrollado dos tipos diferentes de bancos que satisfacen las exigencias actuales de una producción eficiente en planta.

Quiénes somos


"El futuro se une a la tradición". Estamos creando una industria más limpia, ecológica y eficiente.



Nuestro sistema de canalones móviles (MGS) está diseñado para reducir el consumo de energía y agua, reduciendo así tanto sus costes de producción como su huella medioambiental.

Agricultura vertical


Su producción se traslada directamente al futuro. Permite la producción en cualquier lugar, al tiempo que reduce tanto sus costes de producción como su huella medioambiental.

Sistemas de transporte


Estamos especializados en el desarrollo, producción e instalación de sistemas de transporte de alta tecnología y sistemas de procesamiento para productores hortícolas.