
We can optimize your production!

Try our calculator

With our calculator, you can get an estimation of how it will affect your production yields, water consumption and use of labour, if you apply one of our solutions to your greenhouse project.

Specify your growing area

Horizontal production

Vertical production

Production ton / year

Growing hectares

” We have invested in a 6500 m2 Moving Gutter System from Viemose DGS, optimizing our production of potted basil. One of the major advantages with the MGS is that it enables us to increase our production with 25-30% per m2. This also means that we have an energy saving of 25-30% per potted plant that we produce. The MGS has also helped us reduce our labour costs. Reusing our mobile benching system in the propagation area, our potted plants are then delivered automatically by a robot that places them in the MGS gutters with the optimal spacing between the plants. The spacing then increases automatically as the plants grow, thus minimizing our consumption of labour significantly.”

Jakob, Rosborg Krydderurter A/S

​Our services



We have developed two different types of benches that meet today’s demands for efficient plant production.

About Us


“The future meets tradition”. We are creating a both cleaner, greener and more efficient industry.



Our Moving Gutter System (MGS) is designed to reduce energy and water consumption, thereby reducing both your production costs and your environmental footprint.

Vertical Farming


Your production is moved directly into the future. Enabling production in any place, while reducing both your production costs and your environmental footprint.

Transport systems


We are specialized in development, production and installation of high technology transport systems and processing systems for horticultural producers.