A comparison of two hydroponic cultivation methods

Why Moving Gutter Systems are superior to Deep Water Culture

At Viemose DGS, we produce cutting-edge Moving Gutter Systems that surpass Deep Water Culture systems in terms of performance and quality. In this article, we will explore the reasoning behind this.

When it comes to hydroponic cultivation methods, Moving Gutter Systems (MGS) and Pond Systems such as Deep Water Culture (DWC) are often pitted against each other. However, despite some similarities, they stand apart in significant ways.

Indeed, when designed and automated effectively, Moving Gutter Systems emerge as the preferred option in many aspects.


What is Moving Gutter Systems?  

Moving Gutter Systems, alternatively referred to as mobile or dynamic gutter systems, represent a significant advancement in Vertical Farming technology, offering a pivotal solution for maximizing space utilization, enhancing resource efficiency, and boosting crop productivity. This innovative system is engineered to enable the horizontal movement of plant beds or troughs along a gutter or rail, facilitating dynamic reconfigurations of the cultivation area layout. 

The evolution of Moving Gutter Systems in agriculture has been propelled by the need for greater space and resource optimization in cultivation practices. Over time, the concept has matured, driven by the pressing need to address challenges such as land scarcity and resource constraints, thereby revolutionizing the way crops are grown and managed. 

One of the primary advantages offered by our Moving Gutter Systems lies in its capacity to maximize greenhouse space utilization due to its design and complex automation. Through the flexible adjustment of gutter positions, cultivators can efficiently organize crop layouts, effectively utilizing available space. 

What is Deep Water Culture?  

Deep Water Culture (DWC) is a hydroponic system for growing plants where the roots are suspended in a nutrient-rich solution. In DWC, plants are typically grown in a reservoir filled with aerated water that contains dissolved nutrients essential for plant growth. The roots of the plants hang directly into the water, allowing them to access oxygen and nutrients. 

Also referred to as deep flow technique (DFT), floating raft technology (FRT), or raceway, this approach involves utilizing a shallow rectangular tank, typically less than one foot deep, filled with a nutrient-rich solution. Plants are positioned atop Styrofoam boards that float on the surface of the solution. This arrangement creates a nearly frictionless conveyor belt effect with the floating rafts.  

DWC, alongside Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) and aggregate culture, is widely recognized as one of the most prevalent hydroponic systems employed today. Typically, DWC is utilized for cultivating short-term, non-fruiting crops such as leafy greens and herbs. 

Deep Water Culture
An Example of a DWC Setup

What are the Main Differences between MGS and DWC? 

Moving Gutter Systems and Deep Water Culture are both hydroponic methods used for growing plants, but they differ in several key aspects: 


  • Output Efficiency: Moving Gutter Systems exhibit remarkable efficiency in output compared to DWC. This efficiency stems from their adept utilization of space, allowing for a notable increase in output – up to a staggering 35% more compared to DWC setups. The spatial optimization inherent in MGS not only maximizes yield but also ensures an economically viable cultivation process. 


  • Enhanced Crop Yields: The effectiveness of MGS surpasses that of DWC systems. One pivotal aspect contributing to this disparity is the flexibility offered by Moving Gutter Systems in employing different nutrient solutions tailored to various growth stages of plants. This tailored approach not only fosters healthier plant development but also translates into enhanced yields, setting MGS apart as the preferred choice for growers aiming for optimal results. 


  • Cost Effectiveness: When it comes to operational costs, the divergence between the two systems becomes starkly evident. Moving Gutter Systems boast high levels of automation, resulting in minimal operating costs compared to DWC setups, where the constant management of water temperature adds to the operational overhead. Moreover, the MGS system optimizes water consumption by ensuring that water is solely utilized by plants and does not evaporate within the closed system, contrasting with DWC systems that necessitate frequent water changes, contributing to increased water usage and associated expenses. 


  • Return on Investment: While the initial investment required for implementing a Moving Gutter System may surpass that of a DWC setup, the long-term benefits swiftly outweigh this disparity. With minimal maintenance requirements and an anticipated lifespan of 20-25 years – among the longest in the market – Moving Gutter Systems presents a compelling case for growers seeking sustainable and economically viable cultivation solutions. The return on investment becomes evident within a matter of years, making MGS an astute investment choice for forward-thinking cultivators aiming for enduring success. 


In conclusion, while both Moving Gutter Systems and DWC setups offer hydroponic cultivation solutions, MGS emerges as the clear frontrunner in terms of output efficiency, operational cost-effectiveness, and return on investment.  

With its innovative design, superior performance, and long-term sustainability, Moving Gutter Systems stands as the pinnacle of hydroponic cultivation technology, poised to revolutionize the agricultural landscape for years to come. 


What makes our Moving Gutter System different from our Competitors?  

This question is rooted in our extensive experience, reflecting years of expertise in the field. Back in 1988, we pioneered the development and commercialization of the Moving Gutter System, making us the first company to do so. Remarkably, the very system we introduced is still operational in Denmark today, which underscores our confidence in offering a warranty lasting over 10 years. 

At Viemose DGS, each Moving Gutter System is meticulously engineered to cater to the unique requirements of our clients. Whether it’s customizing the system for size, automation level, functionality, or seamless integration into the greenhouse, our priority is to ensure customer satisfaction. 

Moving Gutter System
Our Moving Gutter System is easily scalable

The Best Service and Longevity of any Moving Gutter System 

At Viemose DGS, we accompany our clients every step of the way. From initial setup to ongoing support, we provide annual inspections and thorough consultations to guarantee continuous system optimization. Our commitment doesn’t end with installation; we remain steadfast in our support, with seasoned engineers available to address any concerns. 

The longevity of our system speaks volumes. With proper maintenance, our Moving Gutter Systems boast a lifespan exceeding 25 years, a testament to their durability and reliability. 

Furthermore, we’re thrilled to state that our cultivation system offers unparalleled returns on investment compared to others in the market. On average, our customers recoup their investment within just 5 years, thanks to our efficient production methods. 

We firmly believe that integrating our Moving Gutter System with advanced technologies will revolutionize sustainable and high-yield indoor farming practices, paving the way for a greener, more productive future. 

Reach out to us

At Viemose DGS we have more than 75 years of experience in navigating the indoor horticulture industry and we excel in establishing indoor farming systems.

Reach out to us to gain more information on how we can help you establish your Moving Gutter System.

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We have developed two different types of benches that meet today’s demands for efficient plant production.

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“The future meets tradition”. We are creating a both cleaner, greener and more efficient industry.



Our Moving Gutter System (MGS) is designed to reduce energy and water consumption, thereby reducing both your production costs and your environmental footprint.

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Your production is moved directly into the future. Enabling production in any place, while reducing both your production costs and your environmental footprint.

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We are specialized in development, production and installation of high technology transport systems and processing systems for horticultural producers.