Urban Farming

The Advancement of Vertical Farming Systems

How Urban Farming has been facilitated by Vertical Farming Systems 

Urban farming used to be a mere hobby, but with the advancement of Vertical Farming Systems, it has emerged as a viable solution to some of the world’s critical issues when properly designed and automated.  

Presently, more than half of the global population resides in urban areas. Projections from the United Nations suggest that if current trends persist, this figure could rise to approximately 68% by 2050. Such a substantial urban expansion poses a significant challenge in meeting the nutritional needs of a growing population.  

Subsequently, as urban populations continue to rise, so does the demand for fresh food, presenting a formidable challenge to conventional agricultural practices, which may prove insufficient and increasingly unreliable as climate change advances.  

In this article we will delve deeper into the importance of a more reliable food cultivation system and why we believe Vertical Farming Systems has a big part to play.  


What is Urban Farming?  

First of all, we need to understand what Urban Farming means. Usually, it refers to the practice of cultivating, processing, and distributing food within or close to urban areas. It involves various methods and scales, from small-scale rooftop gardens and community plots to larger commercial operations such as vertical farms.  

The primary goals of Urban Farming include promoting local food production, increasing access to fresh produce in urban environments, reducing food miles (the distance food travels from farm to consumer), improving food security, and fostering community engagement and sustainability. 

Urban Farming often employs innovative techniques such as hydroponics, aquaponics, rooftop gardening, and Vertical Farming to optimize space and resources in densely populated urban settings. 

Vertical Agriculture
Our Vertical Farming System

What are Vertical Farming Systems and what role do they play?  

Vertical Farming Systems have been instrumental in making urban agriculture feasible by utilizing vertical spaces, enabling dense cultivation within limited areas. Vertical Farming offers closed environments that allow for substantially greater control over growing conditions.  

In theory, crops can be grown anytime and anyplace, creating the potential for out-of-season produce grown in local warehouses, rooftops, and even basements or cellars. In this way, Vertical Farming Systems empower cities to generate food locally, diminishing dependence on distant supply networks and enhancing food security. 

Furthermore, these systems can function regardless of weather conditions and require notably less water and land compared to conventional farming techniques. This makes them a sustainable and effective option for urban agriculture. 


What are the Advantages of Vertical Farming Systems?

Utilizing vertical space, Vertical Farming Systems can transform underutilized areas such as rooftops, basements, and entire buildings into efficient farms. This not only boosts the quantity of food that can be cultivated within cities but also fosters urban greening, enhancing the visual appeal of urban landscapes. 

Vertical Farming Systems also has several other advantages in relation to Urban Farming. Here is an overview: 


  • Efficient Space Utilization: Vertical Farming Systems can revolutionize land usage in urban environments. Traditional Urban Farming techniques demand extensive land areas, which are often scarce in densely populated cities. Conversely, Vertical Farming necessitates significantly less land per production unit. This enables the generation of substantial food quantities within a compact footprint, thereby freeing up land for alternative purposes. 


  • Water Efficiency: Vertical Farming methods frequently employ hydroponic or aeroponic systems, drastically reducing water consumption by up to 95% compared to traditional agriculture. This considerate utilization of space and water renders Vertical Farming a sustainable solution for urban cultivation. 


  • Reduced Transportation Expenses and Carbon Footprint: Local food production through Vertical Farming Systems can significantly decrease transportation costs and the associated carbon emissions. This holds particular significance in urban sites where food distribution often requires extensive transportation. By reducing the necessity for transportation, Urban Farming contributes to lower carbon emissions and fosters a more sustainable food distribution network. 


  • Mitigation of Pesticides and Agricultural Runoff: Vertical Farming Systems play a pivotal role in fostering a healthier urban environment by eliminating the requirement for pesticides and mitigating agricultural runoff. Due to their enclosed nature, vertical farms are less vulnerable to pests and diseases, thus reducing reliance on chemical pesticides. Additionally, the controlled conditions within vertical urban farms prevent agricultural runoff, a notable source of water contamination in traditional farming practices. 


  • Streamlined Supply Chain: Urban Farming presents a transformative advantage through its streamlined supply chain, significantly prolonging the shelf life of produce. Additionally, the controlled environment of Vertical Farming Systems ensures healthier plants. Retailers thereby benefit from stocking fresher produce with reduced spoilage and waste, while consumers can enjoy vegetables and fruits brimming with flavor and essential nutrients. 


Summary of Advantages

In conclusion, Vertical Farming Systems offer significant benefits for urban environments. They revolutionize land usage by requiring less space per production unit, thus freeing up land for alternative purposes. Additionally, their utilization of hydroponic or aeroponic systems drastically reduces water consumption, making them a sustainable solution for urban cultivation.  

By facilitating local food production, these systems decrease transportation costs and carbon emissions, thus contributing to a more sustainable food distribution network. Vertical Farming Systems also diminish the necessity for pesticides and agricultural runoff, fostering a healthier urban environment.

In summary, Vertical Farming Systems offer significant potential for improving the sustainability and resilience of urban food systems.


The Transformation of Urban Farming Due to Vertical Farming Systems 

The concept of Urban Farming, once deemed incompatible with city living, has undergone a great transformation with the emergence of Vertical Farming Systems. These innovative systems, leveraging vertical space for intensive cultivation, have not only rendered Urban Farming feasible but also remarkably productive and sustainable. 

In the face of escalating challenges such as population growth, climate change, and food security concerns, Urban Farming presents a compelling solution that can contribute to the development of more sustainable and resilient urban food systems on a global scale. 

At Viemose DGS, we are optimistic about the prospects of Urban Farming, foreseeing a promising future where our Vertical Farming Systems are poised to play a pivotal role. Continuous technological advancements will continue to improve the efficiency and productivity of the system, and its integration with other urban infrastructures will enable its scalability.

Reach out to us

At Viemose DGS we have more than 75 years of experience in navigating the indoor horticulture industry and we excel in establishing indoor farming systems.

Reach out to us to gain more information on how we can help you establish your Urban Farming project.

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We have developed two different types of benches that meet today’s demands for efficient plant production.

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“The future meets tradition”. We are creating a both cleaner, greener and more efficient industry.



Our Moving Gutter System (MGS) is designed to reduce energy and water consumption, thereby reducing both your production costs and your environmental footprint.

Vertical Farming


Your production is moved directly into the future. Enabling production in any place, while reducing both your production costs and your environmental footprint.

Transport systems


We are specialized in development, production and installation of high technology transport systems and processing systems for horticultural producers.